Monday, June 30, 2008

Michigan Fun

We've been busy up here in Michigan! Lots of swimming going on and I am currently trying to keep JP from the lake since it's super windy and quite chilly. Maybe a swim later this afternoon will be in order. Yesterday the wind was pushing him further and further away from the dock but he swam all the way back! Don't worry everyone.. he's wearing a life jacket!

We went to see Wall-E on Friday. It was cute but pretty long for a G movie. JP really liked it and would narrate as the movie went on... cute but not so cute when the theater was quiet! It was fun and he enjoyed his popcorn.

We went to the zoo yesterday and he got to ride the preying mantis on the carrousel. He loves that thing! More fun in Africa as we fed the giraffes and did lots of exploring. We spent over 3 hours walking around so he konked out in the car on the way home so then he was up past 10 last night. Oh well.

The highlight of last night was fishing for a splinter in the bottom of his foot. He did pretty good once we got out some gummy bears as a distraction. He was very happy once it was out.

We just came in from some outside play.. .he loves playing in the log cabin playhouse! OH.. and did I mention that JP is a baseball stud? We don't do t-ball anymore... NO.. I have to pitch the ball to him so he can hit it that way. He does pretty darn good for a 3 year old! I hope he's not bored next year on the tball team! LOL He does need to work on his fielding.

OK.. off to fetch the busy boy some lunch!

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