Sunday, July 6, 2008

We're Finally Home!

Finally! After about an 11hour drive we are back home in Kansas. We are all pretty wiped out though. I don't hear any noises from the family room so I wonder if both boys are asleep? I hope not!

We had a great time in Michigan. We had a wonderful time on the 4th... we went to a parade, cooked out hotdogs, swam in the lake and watched fireworks from the boat until about 11pm! JP did fall asleep around 10:30 though. How he slept through the noise is beyond me but he had fun watching the "firework crackers!" His color commentating was pretty entertaining but we knew he was about to fall asleep when all of a sudden he was quiet as a mouse. LOL

Not only did JP get to GO to a parade but he got to BE in one too! We were in the Lawton parade on Saturday. Jim, JP and I sat in the back of Dad's 1965 Chevy pickup and threw candy to the kids on the parade route. JP thought that was lots of fun but most of his candy didn't make it to the sides of the streets but I know the kids got it all anyway. We were concentrating on holding onto him as Dad isn't always the smoothest on the clutch. It was hot but fun!

JP got to drive a race car on Thursday. Not a real one but a go-kart racecar and he didn't crash it once! He thinks he went fast but we beg to differ.

By the end of our trip JP was jumping into the middle of the lake from the front end of the pontoon boat. I think he's starting to grow some gills!

OK.. I'm really tired but there's a quick update for those of you who have been checking in while we were gone... Kat! Grandma! Angie! Sarah! LOL We only had dialup in Michigan and I just don't have the patience for that anymore.

More later!

1 comment:

Gramzy said...

Glad to hear you arrived home safely. Sounds like a great time was had by all! Parade sounded fun. Gramzy