Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Yes! It's a much happier day. Yesterday was much better after the nap. How can 1 kid go from one end of the spectrum to the other in one day? From devil child to perfect child. Seriously... polite, loving, sweet, gentle... He asked to watch his Tom and Jerry cartoon last night and I said, "NO, JP... no TV today since you were so whiney this morning." and he just says, "OK!"

Today has been good too. I guess he was just worn out! I'm shocked that he's needed 3 naps in a row but hey... camping is tiring! We went to a playdate today with 3 of his classmates from school at the pool. After 4 hours of swimming he's pretty tired so he's relaxing while watching some Tom and Jerry and I'm going to work on some of those boxes!

Tomorrow he gets to go to camp at the gym. Preschool adventure days: Ocean Animals. It runs from 9:30-12 so I'm sure he'll have fun!

Roaring river this weekend... only 3 more sleeps!

1 comment:

Aunt What said...

Naps are good things. He's probably going to grow another foot from all this rest!