Wednesday, July 9, 2008

3 boys = tired Mommy

What a big day! JP had camp this morning and I ran errands and got to get my hair cut and colored. My appt went past JP's pickup time so I made arrangements with my friend Muffet to pick up JP when she picked up her son, Clayton. So they played on the playground at school for awhile and then she brought them to my house so she could go run some errands. Were the boys tired from being outside all day at school? NO! They wanted to play outside some more so we broke out the Slip n Slide and some squirt guns. See below!

Clayton, JP and Joshua... Look closely at JP's gun. I told them to PRETEND and not shoot at the camera. He didn't listen!

The 3 boys again:
Joshua squirting JP while JP slides:
Clayton, JP and Joshua without their MEAN faces:

Clayton on the bigwheel and Joshua driving JP in the dump truck:
Muffet came and got her boys and Jim got home and wanted to fish over at the club so we climbed into my truck and off we went! JP konked out on the way over... who wouldn't? We somehow mangaged to wake him up when I picked up our takeout from the club and we ate on the boat out on the lake and did some fishing. Now both boys are sleeping and I'm posting!

OH... and what did Muffet say when I asked her if she wanted 3 boys instead of 2??? " If I had 3 I think I'd have to kill myself." LOL!!! (Said in FUN, of course!)


Gramzy said...


Sarah said...

I'm tired just from looking at the pics!