Wednesday, July 16, 2008

About JP... coming from JP

These are anecdotes coming straight from JP as I type...

"I'm much bigger than the door, Mom."
"I want to be Spiderman for Halloween. I'll wear a red and blue mask with eye holes."
"I want to go camping. 1 more sleep!"
"Is George (lizard) going to turn into a turtle? Is he going to hide in his shell?"
"It was a bad day at school because someone took Noah's man."
"I'm in the piece of furniture. It's a dangerous job." (he was under the office chair)

Jim just called.. JP is talking to him:

"Hi Daddy! Are you at work? Here's Mom!"

"Mommy... will you please read this book to me, Please? PLEEEASE????"

Better run!

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