Monday, July 7, 2008

2024 Olympics?

As most of you know... JP loves to swim. He's getting better and better each time we go and the things he does now really amaze me! So last night he saw that the Olympic Swimming Trials were on TV and he wouldn't let Jim switch the channel. He was so excited watching the races and when he left during the 1500 to go to the bathroom they cut to a commercial because it's such a long race. JP was just SURE that Jim had switched the channel and got quite upset about it when he saw the commercials. Yes... he was tired but it was pretty funny to see him so adament about watching.

So fast forward to today. We took him to the pool since it was so hot and he did so much more today than ever before! I don't know if it was because what he was watching last night or because Jim was with us (or both?) but he did great. The highlight? He jumped off the diving board all by himself... well... about 10 times until the lifeguard said he couldn't do it anymore since he had his swim-training vest on. Not cool! He loved it. He also proceeded to swim with his face in the water (taking breaths as he went) back and forth from us to the wall and he even tried to swim without his vest but he couldn't quite keep himself up. We gave him lots of credit for trying though! We even removed 2 of his panels from his vest so he doesn't have as much keeping him up.. he's doing the work. GO JP!

OK... back to the blueberry muffins. I'm baking a batch with my fresh Michigan blueberries! Yumm!

1 comment:

Angie said...

WOW JP! That's just awesome!

I was thinking about your Michigan blueberries and wishing I had some. :) The ones I bought the other day just weren't that good.