Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I love you too.

Grandma.. this is for you! I see you checking for updates! LOL

I was putting JP to bed tonight and said, "Good night, JP. I love you!"
JP: "I love you too."
Me: "I love you more than anything in the whole world!"
JP: "I just love my Fodder. I love him the most... he's my buddy."
Me: "What about me?"
JP: "Just my Fodder, my buddy."

He really is a Daddy's boy!

Well... at least I got the "I love you too" early on! LOL It still made my heart smile!


Gramzy said...

What a loving little boy! I'm glad his "Fodder" is his buddy!Gramzy

Aunt What said...

Aww. What a sweetie. We're back to internet access and I'm glad I can catch up on what my funny nephew has been doing. Talk to you guys soon!