Thursday, July 17, 2008

What did you do, JP?

Last night during dinner we were asking JP about his day at school.. what he did, who he played with, etc. Then we got into this conversation:

JP: I made Ava cry.
Us: You did? Why? What did you do?
JP: I pulled the yellow chair and she fell off and cried.
Us: Why did you do that?
JP: Ummm.. I pulled the yellow chair and she cried.
Us: What did the teachers say?
JP: She gave her a kleenex.
Us: Was it an accident?
JP: Yes, it was an accident. I just pulled the chair.
Jim: You need to be careful because you are bigger and stronger and you don't want to hurt your friends.
JP: I know. It was an accident.

So of course we envision him pushing her or something like that and I knew that if there was an "incident" the teacher would have told me when I picked him up. So today I asked the teacher about it and like we thought... the kids mess around on the chairs and JP was pushing the yellow one and Ava fell off. No big deal. They just play like that and I guess Ava was having an "off" day anyway and this was about the 4th time she had cried.

Phew. JP has always been the "gentle giant" and I can't imagine him intentionally doing anything like that. Today he said that Jake cried but I don't know why. LOL

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