Friday, June 20, 2008

He did WHAT???!!!???

Kate, JP and I went to the KC Zoo today... we had fun! We spent our morning in Africa and saw lots of cool animals. Kate's favorite was the hippo and JP's favorites were the rhino ("it's a rhinocerous.. not a rhino!"), giraffes and zebras. He was imitating the cheetah and running around africa and then would be the turtle so we could catch up. LOL!

We took the zebra tram back to the main entrance since we had been walking around for 3 hours and I knew JP wouldn't make it all the way back since it was uphill and I wasn't about to carry 45 pounds that far... it's a hike!

Here is the excitement of the day... or should I say embarassment? We were in the gift shop and JP had to go to the bathroom so we went. We went back to the gift shop and finished our shopping (Kate got a hippo and JP got a rhino) and not even 10 minutes had passed and we were walking through the entrance area right outside the gift shop/restaurant, etc and JP stops, runs over to some grass and proceeds to pull down his shorts and pee. Yes... in front of everyone and everything. The otters even got a show. I proceeded to yell, " JP!!!!" and of course that brought more attention to him and I ran over and was hoping he'd quit but come on... can a 3 year old stop mid-stream and go to the bathroom and finish? I don't think so. So he finished his business and I tried to hurry him along amongst a whole lot of laughter. I was very embarassed and Kate was laughing as were many others so I just laughed it off. What can you do? I only caught 1 dirty look from some lady pushing a stroller. Oh well. He's 3!!!!!!!!!!!

We did have fun and then hit the pool for a bit but here are a few pics from the zoo. Enjoy!!!!


Gramzy said...

Oh, the joys of a 3 year old boy! Glad the day was fun at the Zoo! Gramzy

Katherine K. said...!!!

Seriously, you just have to laugh! What a great story to share later!!

Mrs. Burns said...

OMG... so funny! ROFLOL!

Kim said...

Too funny!! I can so see him do that - and since he looks like he's 6 I can imagine the stares! That's when you need a sign "he's only 3". :)

Nayanna Arts said...

I was just going to say what Kim said! I bet the dirty look was more thinking he was older than he is! That is just hilarious! GREAT story for sure!

Anonymous said...

Oh Heather, I love it! The funniest part to me is that everyone surely thought he was MUCH older. But when you gotta go, you gotta go! At least he had to PEE! ;)