Wednesday, June 25, 2008

He's how old?

I went to get JP out of the childcare center yesterday at the gym after my workout. He was outside on the playground and as we were leaving one of the workers was talking to him and telling me that JP is one of her "favorites." She was saying how much he made her laugh and she loves the conversations they have. Then this:

Lisa: He's such a funny and sweet kid. He cracks me up!

Me: I know... I don't know where he gets some of the stuff he comes up with... especially since he's just 3!

Lisa: What? Did you say he was 3?

Me: Yep... 3!

Lisa: I don't believe you! I thought he was 6!

Me: Nope... I swear he was born on 10/8/2004! I was there!

Lisa: I still don't believe it... he looks so much older and he's huge! My sister teaches 2nd grade and he could be in her class!

We get these comments on an almost daily basis.... maybe he should wear a sign that says his real age all the time???!!!???

School today and then we are hitting the road for Michigan! We are driving to the Quad Cities tonight so we'll be a little over halfway there. YAY!

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