Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sports Mania!

JP has gone to 2 of the 5 days of Sports Mania summercamp at Lifetime Fitness. He absolutely loves it! Yesterday they played soccer and floor hockey and today they played volleyball, basketball and baseball. JP says his favorite is baseball... so far! His instructor said that he did really well at baseball and basketball and really got into it today. Yesterday he spent the first 20 minutes covering his ears because of the echo in the squash court where they were playing. It is extremely loud and I don't blame him for being caught off guard. There are 5 kids in his camp...ages 3,4,5,6 and 7 and even though JP is the youngest he is hanging in there with the older kids... a bonus to being super tall for his age!

I think they are going to play some football tomorrow and I know JP is really excited about that since he's been talking about wanting to play it every day. He said he's going to "go to the helmet store to pick out a helmet to wear." HA! I don't think they'll get into tackling, JP!

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