Saturday, June 21, 2008

Empty Nest

Wow.. it sure is quiet around here! JP went to Aunt Kat and Uncle Steve's for the day/night/day and it's pretty strange not having him around. We've been pretty productive though and now we are getting ready to grab a bite to eat and then we're heading over to the club for some fishing on the lake. Should be a nice evening! Tomorrow morning we are playing golf! WOO HOO! Jim's first outing of the year. We have a 6:48 tee time and I hope I beat him!

So we can cross these things off our list:

Grout the tile... looks great!
Wash the mower
Pull out 2 dead trees... return 1 of them for a credit
There's more but my brain is leaving me. 2 Smirnoff Arctic Berry drinks will do that to you!

I'm glad JP is having fun... I'm sure we'll get some good stories tomorrow!

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