Sunday, June 15, 2008

A few funnies...

I know... it's been awhile! We had a great weekend trout fishing and we are HOME! I've got loads of laundry to tackle but here are a couple of funnies from the weekend:

JP looking through an animal book... sees a bee and says: " There's a bee! I don't like bees. They get on my nerves." LOL

I went for a walk with JP while he rode his bigwheel and we got to the back of the campground where there was a hiking trail. We decided to hike a bit but JP wanted to pee first. There was a little bathroom there and and he went to open the door and said, " Peeee Ewwww! This bathroom stinks. I'm not going in there!" Yes.. it did. In a really bad way. I didn't blame him one bit! Off to the grass we went.

And just a few minutes ago while wrestling with daddy: "OOPS! I forgot to poop today! I'm going to go take a dump. Mommmmm! I'm going to take a dump now!"


Angie said...

Thanks for the announcement, JP! Ha!

Gramzy said...

Nothing bashful about JP! He just tells things like they are. Gramzy

Tara said...

LOL, I love boys!
They just tell it like it is!

Nayanna Arts said...

OMG! How funny! Evy likes to announce that she needs to go, but the highlight is telling me I have to go wipe her when she's done :lol: I love that he says "take a dump" though, so much more manly! lol