Monday, June 9, 2008

Sneaky Boy

This is hilarious. For about the past week JP has been trying to "sneak" downstairs and into our bed without us hearing or seeing him. He pretends he can't hear us. This is how it goes:

I put JP to bed around 8 or 8:15. Sometime around 8:45 I hear the door open and he slowly comes downstairs. Step... step... step... listen. Step... step... You get the idea. Usually we are in the family room relaxing while this is going on. Once he hits the bottom and gets on the hardwood he puts his hands up over his ears (with Froggy and Mr. X crammed under each arm) and RUNS back to our bedroom, shuts the door, gets into bed and under the covers. Why are his ears covered? So he doesn't "hear" us telling him to go back upstairs! So I then enter our bedroom to giggles and grins and he tries to hide from me under the covers. I tell him that he needs to go back to his bed and he obliges but insists on being carried back upstairs. Let me tell you.... it's not easy to carry 45 pounds up the stairs but I do it anyway. How can I turn away the cuddle/nuzzle???

It is actually pretty funny. The covering of the ears is what really gets us going. He can be such a character!!!!

OH.. and he snuck into our bed the other night when I was outside in the shop and when I went back to our bedroom and the lights were off I about had a heart attack when he said, "Hiiiiiiiii! MOM!" I had no clue he was in there!


Gramzy said...

The covering of the ears, or pulling them forward is the funny part. He is so smart, that if he doesn't hear you tell him to do something, he won't have to do it. What a clown! Gramzy.

Heather said...

Yes, Grandma... he is a clown! You said it! :) YAY for getting the comment column to work!

Nayanna Arts said...

Wow, he's sucha smartie! Heck, *I* wouldn't have thought to do that! But he's sucha happy guy too! I love that he's still so "happy" even when he gets "busted" ;)