Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cute conversation...

A cute conversation JP was having with Hayden this morning at school. Hayden showed up with a new haircut. A mohawk. Not a faux-hawk but it's a real mohawk. Hayden's mom said that if he wanted one that now is the time to do it and maybe it'll get out of his system? I guess his big brother has one because all of the football players have them on his team. Oh joy!

SO.. JP went up to Hayden and said:

JP: Hi Hayden! I like your haircut!
Hayden: Thanks.
JP: I have hair all over my head (as he takes off his hat) but I'm wearing my hat. Do you have this hat?
H: No... I don't have that hat.
JP: You don't like my hat?
H: I like your hat I just don't have that hat.

Then they took off and were frog hopping across the floor, doing somersaults and then they stood up and it looked like they were giving each other a big hug but they then fell to the floor so I guess they were tackling each other. Boys will be boys! When I left school JP and Hayden were sitting next to each other at the keyboards in the classroom. So cute!

And NO... JP won't be getting a mohawk.


Gramzy said...

WHOOOOOOO MOHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its kate!!! so how old is Haydens bug brother!? LOL!!!!!!
funny kid you got!!! much love

Aunt What said...

Come on Mom, just a little mohawk...