Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bad things always come in 3's....

Right? So we're done... we have to be!

I accidentally washed Jim's new cell phone in the washer on Monday... so I got to replace that. Today JP and I came home from errands/school and the garage door on the house wouldn't go up. The spring broke. Jim can't fix it because of the kind it is so the garage people have to do it. Then about 20 minutes later Jim called me back and told me that my front 2 struts on my car were shot so they have to be replaced and they can't do it at Shore Tire. So Jim gets to mess with the dealership tomorrow. Nice. More $$ down the toilet. UGH! This has to be it for awhile!!!!!

Good news... JP loved his day at summer camp. He was so happy to be back at school again with his friends. He kept asking about Zachary since he wasn't there and told me, "Zachary is at home and he's mad." I asked him why was he mad? and JP replied, "Because he didn't get to go to summer camp." I told him that maybe he went on another day.

JP was super lovey today with Jim since it was his birthday. Jim got about 100 hugs and even got snuggles at dinner. It was pretty cute but he was acting like a clown! He gets extra silly when he's tired.

SO... JP is in bed and Jim is mowing and we're hoping to get out of here tomorrow night for a weekend of camping and trout fishing. We need to keep our eye on the weather though!

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