Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Life Lessons

So.. JP was telling Jim about his day tonight while we were eating dinner. He went swimming, went to "mommy's gym", etc. Then he said that he cried at mommy's gym. (news to me!) So we asked him why he cried and he said, "a boy in a red shirt with glasses pushed me in the back." Hmmmm...... OK, what happened JP? "I was sitting on my tugboat and he came up and pushed me so I cried."

SO... we had a talk about what to do when someone does something you don't like. We told him to say, "Please don't push me anymore... I don't like that." Then if they do it again to say it more firmly... use words. Don't cry. So then...........

Jim says that if they do it a third time to....

Punch them in the nose and say, "Back off!"

OMG. Nice one, honey.

Now I'm waiting for the "Heather Moore please return to the child center" page for when JP slugs someone.

Why did you hit him, JP???? Because my daddy said to do it.

1 comment:

Gramzy said...

I knew that one was coming from his Dad. At least he told him to wait until the third time! Gramzy