Sunday, June 22, 2008

JP's Adventure

JP is home! I guess Aunt Kat and Uncle Steve really wore him out because when we went to pick him up in Ottawa he was crashed out in their car! He did lots of fun things including:

Water fights and spraying Hawk with the hose
Walkie Talkies
Hot Wheels
Making pizza
Crafts of some sort but it didn't last long...
Reading books and playing with toys
Climbing on LOTS of tractors and tractor rides
Sleeping in Aunt Kat's bed
Playing with kittens and cats

and many more fun things! He had lots of fun and told Aunt Kat a few funnies like:

Kat: JP.. wash your hands!
JP: I don't have to!!!!
I guess that was an ongoing battle as it is here!

JP: My daddy laughs at my mommy all the time.

JP: I have 3 grandmas and 3 grandpas!
They went to Uncle Steve's parents house so now he has more grandparents. :)

Kat got some good pics and some video... I hope to post some soon!

KAT! Thanks for taking him... he had so much fun and I'm sure will be excited to come back!

Jim and I got to do some fun things like fish, boat and golf together. We also got some of the bathroom finished and mowing as well. It was a busy weekend for everyone!

1 comment:

Gramzy said...

It was good you two had some alone time together. Glad JP had fun at Aunt Kat's and Uncle Steve's.Gramzy