Thursday, August 7, 2008

Swimming with Kate and JP

Some videos for your viewing pleasure!!!

As you can see... Kate wants to join the circus. She's mastering her flips and her next challenge? Flips on a tight rope!

JP is swimming to the wall... reach and pull, JP!!!!

Listen to what he says after he swims to the steps... and GO JP for swimming while holding your breath!!!

"Where are all the girl sharks?" LOL!!!!!!!


Aunt What said...

LOL! Maybe at tomorrow's pool there will be girl sharks.

Kate - do you need suspenders for your swim bottoms?

Tara said...

all the girl sharks are waiting until your mom says it's okay to come out and play.....when she's in the pool!
Man, he is such a good swimmer!!!

Gramzy said...

I am proud of my "Grandkids" that they can swim so well! Gramzy

Nayanna Arts said...

Ok, he is just AMAZING! Seriously Heather, he's just a fish! Evelyne isn't convinced though :P She was looking at him warily! lol I love his comment about girl sharks! I can see how anyone can take him for an older kid!

Angie said...

Way to go JP!!! That's awesome! And tell Kate that it's never a good idea to go off the board in a 2-piece. That's asking for trouble! :)

Anonymous said...

MOG... what a fish! How awesome! And I love the girl sharks comment... too cute!