Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Little Phelps"

Our little fish enjoying the pool at Cooper Creek this weekend.

TORNADO TWIST JUMP! (I was making him wear the vest since I wasn't in there with him)
"Just chillin' in the pool, Mom."
Being cute:
And just because it's funny:

We had a great weekend!


Gramzy said...

So glad you had a good weekend! I heard "Phelps" is going to be on "Frosted Flakes". Gramzy

Anonymous said...

I fully expect to see JP breaking Phelps' records in some future Olympics! :)

Sarah said...

MOG, that kid is such a fish! Looks like you all had a great time.

Frannie said...

He is just fearless! Mine still are in full floatie regalia! They both have lifejackets and just kinda float around. JP needs to teach them! :)

Jeanne said...

I thought of you the other day when I saw this...JP could really be a shark! Maybe a little old for right now...but for next year?
Glad you guys had fun camping!