Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Goodbye Neighbor

Lots of exciting things happening on my street! I woke up to find 2 police cars in front of the house next door. Next thing I know there is a semi-truck being loaded with everything from inside the house. Then another truck with a trailer. Then the neighbors vehicle shows up with someone else driving it and the license plate already removed. You break the law... they seize your possessions! YIKES!

The guy has always seemed shady to me. Not sure what he did but he's 67 years old and in BIG trouble now!

Guess we'll be getting new neighbors in the near future.


Sarah said...

MOG - talk about drama! I can't wait to hear what you find out about how he got himself into such hot water. I love that you took pictures! :D

Anonymous said...

I love that you photographed it and put it here. hee hee. Good riddance! Hope the new neighbors are fabulous!

Heather said...

Yeah. but he still owns the house. I found out he's not going to jail but the Ks Dept of Revenue is involved and they were there today as well so I'm guessing it's all tax related. He's going to have to sell the house since he nothing else, right? Crazy. Must be tax evasion or something but he had enough assets to cover. His house was loaded with NICE things too.

Heather said...

I wonder if JP can have his basketball goal.LOL I haven't seen his wife but she has her car so I guess they have that! It's all nuts. I told the cop that I felt bad and he said to NOT feel bad. This guy was bad news.