Tuesday, August 26, 2008


OK... so most of you know that JP loves numbers. He's been counting in the 100's for quite awhile and loves to recite his phone number, jersey numbers, etc. Now he's getting into addition! He knows all of the basics: 1+1, 2+2, 4+2, 5+2, 5+5, etc. It's crazy! Yes... he counts them out on his fingers but then after a time or 2 he has them memorized. This may be a common thing for almost 4 year olds but he's got his mom impressed! :)

He's also getting into reading and is getting quite good with certain words. Sometimes I don't know if he's READING or just remembers the words from before but there are times when I know he's reading because he sounds it out... hooked on phonics! My little smarty-pants!

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