Thursday, August 14, 2008


You gotta love the Olympics and definately the swimming! JP is totally nutso over Michael Phelps. All we hear is Phelps this and Phelps that. "I want big muscles like Phelps. Phelps is fast. Phelps is the best swimmer in the world." And it goes on and on....

So we DVR the swimming races so he can watch them the next day and if a race comes on that MP is NOT swimming in JP gets mad. So Jim and I have resorted to telling him once the race starts that "Yes! There's Michael Phelps! He's in lane 6!" even though it's someone else. LOL If we don't then JP won't shut up about "Phelps". LOL!


Aunt What said...

LOL! That's funny. I'm surprised he hasn't caught on since he knows his letters. Don't teach him how to spell Phelps.

Gramzy said...

Gramzy is pretty amazed with Phelps herself. When them told how wide his wingspan was and how much he ate. What a guy!

Heather said...

We tell him once the race has started, Kat! LOL Look! There he is! And he's so excited jumping up and down and running around the room I don't think he pays that much attention. :)

Sarah said...

I'm a Phelps fan, too...even if he is a UofM guy. ;) We watched the story they did on his eating habits and it was beyond strange to see him eating in restaurants that Bob & I eat at when we go to Ann Arbor. Maybe you need to get JP enrolled in some competitive swimming! ;)

Anonymous said...

Heather, that is too cute. I think JP should write a fan letter... :)