Friday, August 8, 2008

Poor George.

OK.. George the lizard is sick. Really sick. The poor thing isn't eating and looks terrible. I believe he'll be in lizard heaven very soon and we told JP that he was sick and probably going to die and he cried. And cried. And cried. He was SO sad! I was not expecting that reaction at all and he just wanted to go and get another lizard right away. I told him we would wait and see what happens for now. Wow.. did those tears get to me!!!!

Good news... Aunt Kat is here! We're going to do some back to school shopping tomorrow for Kate and she brought her paints and talent and she and Kate already have some sharks, fish, seaweed, seahorse and snail already penciled on the wall! YAY!!!! JP wanted to help so he helped draw the eye on one of the sharks. :)

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