Monday, August 11, 2008


JP got to play some golf yesterday. He did pretty good! After a few minutes he started connecting on his first attempt and he even hit a few into the air. Here he is at work:

Tee it up!

Address the ball: Back swing:

Follow through! Oops! He missed that one but he kept his head down! LOL
He really enjoyed playing and now that Daddy has a better work schedule I think we'll be able to go out and play more often. Our golf pros asked why he didn't play Junior Golf this summer.... Uhhh, because he's 3!!!


Gramzy said...

The plaid golfing shorts are awesome! It sure looks like he has had some good instructions on how to hit the ball, Mom & Dad? Good job! When do they start Jr. Golf? Gramzy

Heather said...

If he's ready he'll start Jr. Golf 2 years from now. They are supposed to be 6 but the guys said if he's ready he can play at 5.

Jess said...

is very swwet your son!!!!
please see my blog
i'm from uruguay