Tuesday, August 26, 2008


JP is so excited for school again. Last night at dinner the conversation went something like this...

Me: JP.. do you know what tomorrow is?
JP: School!!!!
Me: What are you going to do at school tomorrow?
JP: Play with Hayden... he's my buddy.
Me: Who else will you play with?
JP: No one. Just Hayden. (LOL!) He's the mouse. (Symbol)
Me: Who are your teachers?
JP: Mrs. Kupfer, Mrs. Willis and Mrs. Wuertz. I love school.

I was impressed that he remembered all of their names!


Sarah said...

WOW - he's remembering his teacher's names already! That's impressive! Can't wait to hear all about his big day - I hope it goes wonderfully well. :D

Kim said...

Wow - I'm amazed that he remebers them all that well too! I can tell he's going to love school!