Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Do you like this one?"

JP and I hit the Circle of Friends sale at Gymboree today. You gotta love a good sale. JP loves to pick out his clothes... it's quite funny! When we went to The Children's Place awhile back all the shirts he picked were football related. Today he picked a cute pirate ship long sleeved tee but he vetoed my skull/pirate hoodie. He also picked out some new underwear (boycotted the halloween styles) and some cool camo pants. I encourage him to choose because then I know he'll want to wear it later!

I must say he was very patient waiting in line as well since we had to wait 30 minutes just to check out.

Oh.. and this may be a rare day. He's taking a nap! He's still really tired from our weekend getaway and I want him to be well rested for school tomorrow. First day! YAY!


Anonymous said...

Did he think the pirate shirt you liked was "too piratish?" That's what I would have heard... :)

Gramzy said...

Glad he was so excited to go back to pre-school! Is Ragen (sp?) not in his class anymore? "Grody" sounds like could have come from either Aunt What or Cousin Kate? Gramzy