Sunday, December 21, 2008

Strange Night

Last night was a restless night for everyone. Jim is fighting a cold and so is JP and in the middle of the night JP started in with his coughing. He came downstairs and slept in my bed ( I wouldn't say he slept... coughed is more like it. He finally fell asleep after a couple hours) and Jim was wide awake in the family room watching movies. He does fall asleep around 8:30 and then wonders why he's up at 3am? Hmmm.  So when JP woke up this morning he was stirring a bit and all of a sudden started to cry that his right ear hurt. Uh oh. I was anticipating a trip to After Hours Pediatrics and after further conversation we found out that his ear "hurt" because the "spaceman" hurt it. OK.. he had been dreaming.  Phew. He still was coughing quite a bit today but by tonight it was much better.

Let's hope we all sleep well tonight!!!

1 comment:

Gramzy said...

Glad the ear ache was from "Spaceman"! Hope last night was more conducive for "sleeping".