Monday, December 8, 2008

JP Skates!!

JP and I went skating today and we had a blast! It took some coaxing for him to get out on the ice but once he was on he had so much fun. He kept wanting to go and go and go.... He even did a little solo skating!

Mom and JP having fun!
Watch out! Here I come!
Calling Dad to tell him all about skating. "I'm skating, Daddy! All by myself!"
Konked out in the car. Wouldn't you be tired after swimming AND skating? He had just gotten finished trying to convince me that he wasn't tired, either. Nice try, kid.


Elissa said...

How fun, Heather! He looks so big sleeping in his carseat! Ethan has been asking to ski or ice skate. I may have to enlist Auntie Rachel. She used to figure skate!

Gramzy said...

Good job skating guys! That is something I never have tried after the time I had roller skating. Gramzy

Sarah said...

That's hysterical! LOVE that you do so many fun things together. Was he impressed by your skating prowess? ;)