Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Worship at School

JP's Christmas Worship was at school this morning. He had a great time and loved "performing" on stage. It was packed in the sanctuary too. They sang 3 songs and it was funny because he sang the first song but didn't do the hand/arm signals and the 2nd and 3rd song he did more hand/arm signals than singing.  The little girl on HIS right was quite the performer. JP kept watching her. He was in the middle of a bunch of kids from the Red Class which is the class he'll be in next year as a 5 year old.  I was proud of him and glad he had so much fun!

Getting ready to start:

There were about 40-50 kids spread out on stage and they all did great!

Hayden's bday party followed the worship and the majority of that time was spent tackling the other boys. They were playing football in the house and I'm just glad no one got hurt! He's practicing for his future football days.

1 comment:

Gramzy said...

Looks like JP had a great time in his program. He is sooo cute in his red Christmas shirt. Gramzy