Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fun day for the boys..

Well, I wanted to post a video of JP singing, "Santa Claus is coming to town" but the video upload isn't working. Hmmm... I'll tell you about the fun day for my boys. :)

I had to leave early to setup for a show so Jim took JP to school.They were 10th in line today... JP loves to count as soon as he pulls into the curbside line. Jim went on to work and then picked up JP at 2:30. They came home and goofed off for awhile before venturing back out for dinner. Where? Well, pizza of course! They went to my favorite, Minsky's, and ate in. After dinner they went exploring to look for some cool Christmas light displays. Sounds like fun, huh? It must have been because when I got home at 8:45 Jim was konked out on our bed and JP was konked out upstairs. 

Awwww!!! I'm so glad the boys can share special days like this.

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