Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa 2008.. boo on the Grinch

We got to visit Santa today and JP was so excited to see him. We weren't expecting an uninvited guest to show up... The Grinch. Green mask and all. You all know what kind of reaction that caused!!!  So the Grinch sat in Santa's chair until Santa showed up to scare him off. JP was not happy. He wanted to leave as soon as he saw the Grinch. He hid behind me and shook the whole time. Poor kid.  He said he wanted to see Santa so we stayed and when Santa arrived he scared the Grinch off. Luckily they had the Grinch go outside (this is our neighborhood bank) so JP would at least go and see Santa. He kept peering outside because he knew he was out there. Here are a few pics.... I didn't get any of The Grinch!  *scary*

Happy JP before we left:

JP running up to Santa and hugging him/hiding from the grinch.
Still on the lookout for The Grinch.
Santa pointing out The Grinch outside the window... promising he wouldn't come in. That didn't help.
The only decent shot I got. See the look of concern? He was not convinced he was gone. 

So we left soon after. Of course as went up front to get JP's coat the Grinch reappeared outside the windows. Another scream from JP followed.  They shooed the Grinch around the back of the bank and we made our exit.  *sigh*  Thank goodness he loves Santa!!!

What he told Santa he wanted for Christmas:
Air Hockey Table
Batman Batcave
A dinosaur that roars and walks
"And that's it!"  LOL

He sure loved his Candy Cane!!!!

1 comment:

Aunt What said...

So the Grinch really does ruin Christmas! Geez. That's good he still liked Santa though.