Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pay it Forward

I was feeling the Christmas spirit today.... and it sure feels good!  JP had gone through his toys and we accumulated a huge box of toys, etc to donate and little did we know that there was a church right here in Stilwell that has a food/clothes/toys pantry, meals weekly for the needy and they even get semi-truckloads of Harvesters food donations twice /month! They help sooo many people each year and it was nice to give them some things that will make some kids happy this Christmas. I will be going back with more toys, clothes... anything!

My new friend, Kathi Hardin, inspired me to "pay it forward" after I read some of her blog entries.  So as I went through the McDonald's drive through today to get JP a happy meal I decided that I would "pay it forward" and pay for the car behind me.  I was actually nervous and had butterflies in my stomach as I waited! LOL It was a man in a pickup truck and I had no clue what he ordered but when I got to the window to pay I told the lady that I wanted to pay for his as well.  So I paid and pulled forward while watching in my rear view mirror to see his reaction. Of course I saw a look of surprise and then the best thing happened... A huge smile spread across his face and that right there made it all worth while. I should have told the cashier to tell HIM to pay it forward. Next time! I grabbed JP's food and put my arm out the window to give him a friendly wave as I drove off. He waved back and was still smiling. Cool, huh?  Of course now I wonder what HE thought of it all.

It sure made me feel good. :) It's the little things that mean so much!!!

I think everyone should try to "pay it forward"... it's heartwarming!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

LOVE that, Heather! :D Was it last year that that went on for HOURS at a Starbucks? Very cool.