Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sharks drive trucks?

I spent part of my afternoon addressing Christmas cards and while I was busy doing that JP decided to break out the playdoh. It was quite entertaining listening to him make up stories as he made things. Did you know that sharks can drive trucks??? See below:

By this time the shark had gotten pretty squished but you can see him on top of JP's truck.
Look, Mom!
A quick photo op.. yay for a haircut for Mommy!

And for the record, here is the cast of playdoh creations:

JP as the blue shark
Daddy as the green shark
Mommy as the green turtle
Uncle Steve as the blue turtle
Aunt Kat as the green seahorse
Kate as the blue penguin!


Gramzy said...

Sharks are a great thing, especially with the music added! He is quite creative with his playdoh. Gramzy

Aunt What said...

Yea for Playdoh! Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow.