Saturday, January 31, 2009

70 degrees on Jan. 31st! Love it!

What a beautiful day! The weatherman said we hit 70 but since the winds were gusting to 50mph you wouldn't have guessed it. It was a fun day! We even got a game of washers in... Jim won, of course!

I LOVE his expression here:

Watch out below!
Jake likes the clubhouse too!
Such a pretty dog... he even got a bath today!
Sliding dog! He went down a few times.. LOL

 Perfect day for Batting/Fielding practice:

Taking a break:

We are on the official countdown for Florida! 7 more sleeps! JP is SO excited.


Gramzy said...

Great pictures. I think JP looks ready to play baseball! I have never seen Jake on the sliperslid before. What a fun dog! Gramzy

Sarah said...

Send some of that warmth in my direction. We've still got a foot of snow on the ground!

Elissa said...

Aw, Jake! It looks like you guys had a fun day! JP is such a little athlete!