Monday, February 2, 2009

Thank You, Molly!

How do you like the new header? That is courtesy of my friend, Molly who was sweet enough to create that using her digi-scrapping skills.  Doesn't it look great?  THANK YOU Molly! You are so sweet to do that for us. :)

My other header was made by my friend, Sarah and it was SO nice of her to do that as well... It was just time to "update" the blog with some current pictures. THANK YOU, Sarah!!! :)

How 'bout that Superbowl last night? I was sad the "dumb red chickens" lost but it was a great game!


Anonymous said...

It does look swanky! I had a tough act to follow... :)

Gramzy said...

The new pictures are great. Some people have a great talent to put things together like that. Gramzy

Elissa said...

I love the new header! Good job, Molly!

Sarah said...

Love the new header! :D Molly did a great job. And look at YOU! How do you type a wolf whistle? I'll just yell construction-worker style..."YOW!!!" ;)