Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nerd Crusted Deer Sausage

Yes, you read that right. JP was eating some Nerds and Jim was eating some deer sausage. Jim dipped the end of his deer sausage in the nerds and ate it. Oh my. So what does JP do? The same thing. He finished off the sausage... dipped in the Nerds.  Nasty. And yes, I tried it. *shudder*


Aunt What said...

Wow, what a combo! Did anyone enjoy this tasty sounding morsel? I am rethinking ever giving JP Nerds again.

Sarah said...

That is wrong! SO SO WRONG!!! Reminds me of Bob's love for blueberry waffles with peanut butter & maple syrup. GAG.

Anonymous said...

Definitely boys, huh? EEEWWWW!