Monday, February 16, 2009

Back to Kansas

Well, all good things must come to an end and we are home. We had a wonderful trip and I'm sad the week went by so fast. Oh well.. what can you do? Back to the grind today... JP has a swimming lesson and of course Jim is at work. I'm looking forward to tonight as it's Bunco night! YAY!

JP is excited about school tomorrow and I have his parent/teacher conference after I pick him up. They conducted all the conferences last week so we scheduled it for tomorrow since we were gone. I'm looking forward to it! It was nice to be gone last week as he didn't miss any school.

Off to swimming... JP can't wait to show his teacher how deep he can swim now!

1 comment:

Gramzy said...

I am sure swimming will be fun for JP. Enjoy Bunco tonight! Good outing for Mom. Gramzy