Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Helper today, Sub tomorrow???

I got to volunteer at JP's preschool today and it was super fun. It was so neat to see him interact with his friends in class and see how the teachers do the curriculum, etc. I am extremely impressed and am grateful he goes to that preschool. They truly have a wonderful program.

After I was finished being the snacktime helper I was talking with the Discovery Days Head and she said that I should apply to be a substitute as they are always needing fill-ins. I'm all over it! They would schedule me on the days that JP already is there so it's a win-win. I'm going to turn in my application this week. Oh... and you get paid, too! :)

The best part about being there today was seeing JP in action and watching him with his peers. He has grown leaps and bounds this year and has so many friends and it touches my heart that he adores his school so much!!!!


Aunt What said...

That sounds like fun! I like your new header too.

Gramzy said...

You will be an excellent doing anything with the kids. What a great opportunity! What does Jim have to say about it?

Heather said...

I think his first remark was, "Don't you need to be qualified?" Uhh.. yes! LOL The cool thing is I would only sub on the days that JP is already there. And they have a good sized sub list so it's no biggie if I'm gone or whatever. We'll see if they even want me! :)