Monday, February 23, 2009

Big Fish in a Little Pond

JP had another swimming lesson today. He has missed a couple from this session since we were out of town but he got alot of swimming time in Florida. This was his first session, 2nd lesson in Preschool 2 but the instructor told us today that he is ready for Preschool 3. Ok then!  I had already signed him up for Preschool 2 for March so I went to the desk to transfer him into Preschool 3 and she wanted to put him in Aqua Level 1 (not preschool)... OK, so what's the difference? Level 1 is 6-15  year olds.  OK.. we'll do preschool 3 which is pretty much the same thing for younger kids and then he'll be able to move up to Aqua Level 2. The kid loves his swimming!!!!


Aunt What said...

Maybe she thought he was actually 6 and you were just keeping him down by putting him in pre-school. Good job swimming JP!

Heather said...

I'm sure she did, Kat. We get that ALL the time! LOL