Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fun times!

JP had a super busy day today... He had a swimming lesson at 9:15 this morning and then Clayton came over for a playdate for a few hours. They get along so well so it's always fun to watch them play. I'm thinking another sleepover is in our future! Here are some pics of the boys hard at play:

Air Hockey!
Geotrax fun:
Wii Boxing... too funny!
View from behind:
Playing with the Batcave:
They always have fun and no one got hurt today! LOL After lunch they played outside for a bit before Clayton went home. After that Jim, JP and I went bowling (at a real bowling alley) and then went to Applebee's for dinner. I think JP is about ready for bed!

Tomorrow: Skating! And Jim gets to go and watch too. Fun!


Gramzy said...

Childhood friends, can't get much better than that. I want to come play with JP's new toys!. Gramzy!

Heather said...

Anytime, Grandma... Anytime! We'll have to make your Mii for the Wii!!!:)

Aunt What said...

That looks like fun! Boxing on the Wii is a much better idea than boxing in real life.