Sunday, January 18, 2009

"J.P.'s Mom"

We went to dinner at our friends/neighbors house last night and had a great time. JP is so lucky to have 2 four-year old friends to play with right on our street! They are all going to be on the same Tball team too!

Can I just tell you how much I love being called, "JP's Mom"???? Ben and Chris kept saying that last night and it makes my heart smile.
"JP's Mom... can I have a napkin?"
"JP's Mom... can JP come up to see my room?"

Too cute.


Gramzy said...

That's pretty cute, J.P's Mom! I even have a softballshirt made especially for me, Kat's Mom.Granzy

Sarah said...

I love it when kids refer to adults that way. :D SO sweet!