Thursday, January 15, 2009

Step 2

JP loves books and he loves to read books. Now he loves to read books to me and I love that! Today he was reading me a Step 1 book (ready to read), Wall-E, and he pretty much breezed through it although he needed help with the words EVERYTHING and ALARM.  He had no trouble reading GOODY, GOODIES and TREADS. Huh.  I guess I should explain that this is a book I read to him 1 time about 6 months ago as he "found" it in his playroom today under the bed.

So when he was finished reading me the book he proudly told me that he was now ready for Step 2 books (reading with help).  Or maybe Step 3?? :)

Oh... and have I mentioned how much he loves to read street signs as we are driving around town? Too funny!

*** I have no idea why that first paragraph is underlined... I was backspacing and it just appeared and now I can't get rid of it! LOL!!!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Holy Moly, Heather! That's crazy reading!