Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Use it!


1. That little stick-type thing in your automobile that protrudes from the steering column  on the left side... It's a TURN SIGNAL!!!  USE IT!

2. Those big metal enclosed areas that are scattered around grocery store parking lots are called CART CORRALS!!! USE THEM!

3. That space that is within arms reach around every human body is called your PERSONAL SPACE!! KEEP OUT!!! Unless you are invited in.

4. The handles that are on large trashcans double for LOCKS. LOCK your lids down on windy trash-pickup days! USE THEM!!!

5. The magic words that you should speak when someone does something nice for you are THANK YOU. USE THEM!


Sarah said...

AMEN, SISTER! :D I LOL at the first one. You forgot one, though. "The 2 words you use when interrupting someone while they're in the middle of something, or after bumping into someone, or when asking to pass through an area. The words are EXCUSE ME! USE THEM!"'re sooo preachin' the choir. ;)

Gramzy said...

Sounds like someone may be having a bad day! Hope it gets better.

Heather said...

Good one, Sarah!

Judy.. no.. not a bad day. Just taking a different approach to my blog today. Trying to be funny! LOL