Friday, May 30, 2008

Fun times at Grandma and Hop-Pop's!

JP got to spend the last 2 days and 1 night at Grandma and Hop-Pop's house while I played golf. I'm pretty sure he wore out Grandma.... yesterday they went to the pool for some swimming and played outside most of the day. He was ready for bed at 6:30 last night! Then today he got to go horseback riding for the very first time! I guess he did great... Mom led him around on Renegade and JP loved riding in the saddle all by himself. Mom said his favorite part was riding in the indoor arena so he could look at himself as he went by a large mirror. LOL! He does like to admire himself and he rarely misses a mirror. Mom then took him to his My Gym class and then went back home for more outside play until I picked him up at 4pm.

Mom was so shocked last night when she was in the bathroom with JP during his shower and he got out and got his pj's on and she was asking me where his pull-up was. Uhhh... Mom? He hasn't worn them since.... Dec? Jan? Something like that. She was all nervous that he would have an accident in her bed downstairs but I convinced her he would do great and not have one. Sure enough he woke up at 2:30 to go... in the toilet! Hee hee... I got to have an "I told you so" moment. ;)

Grandma gets the last day of the tournament off since Jim is off tomorrow. I think the boys are heading over to Hillsdale Lake early in the AM for some fishing/camping and I will meet them there when my tournament is over. Jim is going out there right now to secure a camping spot with our camper. JP is so excited to camp he's not asleep. Yet.

How's this for a funny visual... tonight JP was playing and swimming in his little baby pool and we broke out the super soaker squirt gun. I finally got my hands on it and was chasing him so he ran and jumped on his bigwheel (barefoot and in his swimming trunks) and took off as I chased him and he even put his swim goggles on. It was pretty funny! Goggles? On a big wheel? Why not?

Good news on the golfing... my team is in 2nd place! Tomorrow is the last day so hopefully we will play as well tomorrow as we did today!

Fun times ahead... next week is JP's sports mania camp at my gym! Hope he likes it!


Sarah said...

Sounds like JP and your mom wore each other out! :D Excellent! YAY for good golfing. I hope the rest of the tournament goes well. Have a great weekend!

Angie said...

Good luck tomorrow! Can JP give Will some nighttime tips?