Sunday, May 18, 2008

Can a 3 year old drive?

Technically, no. But my 3 year old thinks he can.

We spent the night out in the Flint Hills of Kansas and today we drove across the pasture to hit the ponds for some fishing. JP wanted to drive so he sat on daddy's lap to steer. He was more concerned with what direction we were going. "We're going West! I want to go South!" as he cranks the steering wheel hard to the left. "Let's go North now!" cranks it back to the right.... You get the idea. He is obsessed with navigational direction at the moment but he couldn't keep the tires on the tracks in the pasture UNTIL..... we compared them to a racetrack. That is all it took so then he was concentrating on staying on the "racetrack" and he took us to where we wanted to go.

Good thing Jim was on the pedals.

We are all looking forward to sleeping in our beds tonight. We will be WARM and comfy! It was COLD last night!


Tara said...

HA! For some reason, I have no problem picturing JP at the wheel! They think that they can do it all, and half the time, they surprise us!
Glad you got home safe and sound, no matter the navigational direction ;)

Sarah said...

That is hilarious! Watch out, though, Heather...he's tall enough his feet might actually reach the pedals! :D