Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lucky for Me...

Lucky for me I am married to a guy who can fix anything or build anything. The current project is a major renovation of our master bathroom. He's getting close to being finished but it really amazes me how many things you really need to do behind the sheetrock! LOL

One of Jim's winter projects was building a new barbeque smoker. Yes... he built one from scratch. He didn't want to spend over $1000 for a decent one so he decided to make one and he did a great job! He actually smoked 15 slabs of babyback ribs in it a couple of weekends ago... so it's big. This weekend he decided to smoke some babybacks and a beef brisket. My mouth is watering just typing about it! LOL He does a wonderful job and everything always comes out perfect. (I think so!)

Last night we were enjoying some of the beef brisket for dinner. We asked JP how he liked it. His response:

"My compliments to the chef!"

Good answer, JP! Mmmmm....

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