Wednesday, May 28, 2008


OK.. is it the terrible 3's? I'm thinking we are past that but the last few days have been filled with alot of NO's. Not cool. I'm attributing it to JP being out of school and not having any kind of schedule at the moment. Thank goodness summer camp at school starts soon as well as a mini sports camp next week at my gym.

*sigh* Sometimes I feel like all I do is yell or reprimand the poor kid but if I don't nip it in the bud now... where will we be later? Of course Jim comes home in the evening and it starts with him as well so he thinks I let JP get away with it all day. ***Double Sigh*** I don't think so!

Golf tomorrow through Saturday... maybe JP just needs a break from me!


Sarah said...

I hear you, Heat! On days like those, when "NO" is the most-commonly said word, I remember what a friend of ours told us about parenting. "Sweat the small stuff so you can avoid the big stuff later." Amen!

Angie said...

We are SO there with you!