Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Letters and more

JP has these colorful foam letters that he loves to play with in the shower. Recently he's been sorting them by color and makes words with them and spells them out to me. Of course he can't get out of the shower unless they are organized and neatly lined up... LOL Tonight he was playing with the purple letters and one of them is the letter L. He said, "look! It's an L... but turn it upside-up (upside -down) and it's a 7! Yes. It's a number 7 now." Then he found the Z and turned it sideways and said it was the letter N. The boy likes having options! :)

OH... his new favorite treat? Blue Bell Great Divide Ice Cream Bars. Mmmmm GOOD!

And yes... a funny from his playdate today. After lunch the kids were playing and all of a sudden Reagan said, " MOMMMM! Someone tooted! MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!" and JP was playing nearby so I went up to him and asked him and he announced, " I farted. EXCUSE ME!" It was a stinker! He must take after his dad.

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