Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Did you know..........

Did you know that Brown Trout have really sharp teeth? I mean... super sharp. Waaaayyyyy sharper than Rainbow Trout. It really sucks when you have to remove the jig hook from their mouth sharp. My left index finger was actually sliced open from one of these aforementioned trout. It still hurts and STILL isn't closed up! My right index finger is slightly cut up but not like the left.

Yikes. Thought you'd all want to know in case you ever go trout fishing. BEWARE OF THE BROWN TROUT!


Sarah said...

Ummm...ouch. I'll add that to the "reasons why I don't fish" column! ;)

Jeanne said...

And now I just have to tell you that Ben has sometimes referred to poops as "brown trout with corn eyes!" Eewwwww! :)